Living the power

These offerings are in the process of updating to be uploaded, made into webinars, e-courses and webinars. Please contact Marie Jackson to create something for your needs, and please check back often to find the format that works best for you.

Keynote talks

Please contact Marie for details.

One-hour to Live Your Personal Power: Living the power of the universe in our daily lives begins with understanding our intention as human beings. This intention is lived in our personal missions and is expanded through our families, home environments, careers, businesses, sports teams, governmental bodies and other people-driven enterprises. This one-hour overview broadly covers how we enhance or diminish an environment of creativity, expansion and balance in all aspects of our lives, leading to endless abundance in all our relationships, for collective humanity and for our planet.

Happiness – It’s Who Your Are: In this 45-minute talk, learn how to live the intention of who you are, learn the happiness formula, how the basis for choices works for one person, a team or a nation. Lots to think about here!

Control is Overrated, but Balance is Achievable: When your outer world is your only reality, your happiness is vulnerable because it depends on circumstances that cannot be predicted. When our inner world is our primary reality, our happiness is assured because it comes from what is real – our truth and authenticity, which doesn’t change. The key to holding our balance in this dimension of time, space and form, is to hold both realities.  Learn how in this one-hour keynote.

10 tips for staying in your personal power

  1. The universe operates in a system of dynamic exchange – it’s always giving, and creating for and with endless abundance.   Begin all your correspondence with “thank you” – it keeps you the state of gratitude and appreciation, allowing openness to receive this endlessness.  Offer a smile, silent blessing or word of encouragement to everyone you see, all news events, situations of stress that you encounter.

  2. Words carry energy.  Choose your words carefully.  Words are a vehicle of thought, and thought is the foundation for our behavior.  How we perceive things is based largely in our self-talk with words carrying recognition of love or the absence of love.  And because love is all there is in the universe, finding ways to speaking lovingly to yourself and to others keeps you open to the love of who you are.

  3. Take moments through the day to practice “stop meditation” – a process of stopping any activity to consciously remember who you are:   re-member – bring together that which was separated.

  4. Choose your entertainment and pass-times carefully.   Make choices consciously, choosing high-vibration books, music, websites, t.v. shows, games and movies.

  5. Find spiritually encouraging daily diaries, meditations and perpetual calendars with reminders of the kindness you can live and generate every day.   Surround yourself with inspiring messages, posters, books – even if you never get past the titles of those books.  These items carry energy, and inform and infuse your environment.

  6. Practice mantras, prayers and meditations to deepen or redirect your self-talk to that of possibility, receptivity and curiosity.

  7. Forgive.  Make it a practice to quickly forgive someone – including yourself – for some perceived injustice or slight.  All events, personal encounters and circumstances bring us some gift for healing, and recognizing the gift in all encounters and relationships helps us change offenses into turning points.  At the end of each day practice “I am ready to forgive…” and review your day, fill in that blank, and rest with healing and release in your heart, opening the way to restful sleep.  This daily practice frees you, helping you move along your path, and allows others to move along their paths as well.

  8. Think of three things every day that you were grateful for that day.  Before going to sleep that evening, recall those three things – give thanks for them and ask for peaceful sleep as you rest in the place of gratitude.

  9. Wag more; bark less.

  10. Always say “god bless you” when someone sneezes.